How-to Meet Amazing People While Traveling Solo

From planning your trip with socializing in mind to striking up conversations with strangers, we've got you covered with practical tips and tested strategies.

How-to Meet Amazing People While Traveling Solo
Photo by Guilherme Stecanella / Unsplash

Traveling solo doesn't mean you have to be alone. In fact, it opens up a world of opportunities to meet interesting and like-minded individuals from around the globe. Whether you're embarking on a soul-searching journey or simply taking a break from your routine, connecting with others can enrich your travel experience significantly. This guide is designed to help you navigate the art of meeting people while traveling alone. From planning your trip with socializing in mind to striking up conversations with strangers, we've got you covered with practical tips and tested strategies. So, pack your bags and prepare to make some unforgettable connections!

The 1,2,3 of Planning Your Trip to Meet People

  1. Research Destinations Known for Solo Travelers: Begin by choosing destinations that are known for being solo-traveler-friendly. Cities like Bangkok, Berlin, and Melbourne are renowned for their vibrant social scenes and plethora of activities that attract solo adventurers. Research online forums, travel blogs, and guidebooks to find places with a reputation for being welcoming and safe for solo travelers.
  2. Book Accommodations that Encourage Social Interaction: Your choice of accommodation can significantly impact your ability to meet people. Hostels are the traditional go-to for solo travelers looking to socialize. Many hostels organize events, tours, and communal meals, creating a natural environment for meeting fellow travelers. But hostels aren't the only option; consider boutique hotels, guesthouses, or Airbnb experiences that offer communal activities or shared spaces.
  3. Plan Your Itinerary with Social Events: Incorporate social activities into your travel plan. Look for local events, festivals, or group activities where you can meet people. Websites like Eventbrite or local tourism boards can be great resources for finding events. Also, consider joining group tours that align with your interests, be it hiking, food tasting, or art walks.

7 Tested Ways to Meet People While Traveling Solo

  1. Join Group Tours or Activities: Activities like walking tours, cooking classes, or adventure sports are not only fun but also great opportunities to meet fellow travelers. Group settings provide a relaxed environment for initiating conversations.
  2. Use Social Media and Travel Apps: Leverage the power of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or travel-specific apps like Meetup or Couchsurfing to connect with other travelers or locals.
  3. Attend Hostel Events or Social Gatherings: Even if you're not staying in a hostel, many allow non-guests to participate in their social events like bar crawls, trivia nights, or communal dinners.
  4. Visit Local Cafés and Bars: These are often the social hubs of a city. Look for places with communal tables or lively atmospheres. Cafés with notice boards indicating local events can also be a goldmine for finding social gatherings.
  5. Volunteer or Take Part in Work Exchange Programs: Joining a volunteer program or a work exchange can immerse you in a community and connect you with like-minded individuals.
  6. Connect Through Shared Interests: Search for local clubs or groups that align with your hobbies. This could be anything from a local running group, a book club, or a photography workshop.
  7. Be Open and Approachable: Sometimes, just being open to conversation can lead to new friendships. Smile, maintain a friendly body language, and be approachable.

Five Conversation Starters for Solo Travelers

  1. Asking for Recommendations: “What’s your favorite spot to eat around here?” or “Can you recommend any hidden gems in the city?” This approach is non-intrusive and shows interest in the local culture.
  2. Share Your Travel Stories: “I just visited [a local landmark], and it was incredible. Have you been there?” Sharing your experiences can spark mutual interests and lead to a more engaging conversation.
  3. Ask Open-Ended Questions: “What brought you to [destination]?” or “What’s been the highlight of your trip so far?” Open-ended questions encourage more than a yes/no response and can lead to interesting conversations.
  4. Comment on the Surroundings: “This [event/venue/art piece] is really interesting. What do you think?” Talking about your immediate environment can be an easy and relevant way to start a conversation.
  5. Cultural Exchange Questions: Show curiosity about their culture or country. “What’s a must-try food from your country?” or “What’s one tradition from your culture that you love?” This can be a great way to learn and connect.

Solo Travel Safety

  1. Stay Informed About Your Destination: Before and during your trip, stay updated on the local situation, including any travel warnings or cultural norms. Knowledge is key to staying safe.
  2. Keep in Touch with Family or Friends: Regularly update someone on your travel plans and whereabouts. Share your itinerary, accommodation details, and any travel companions' contact information.
  3. Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Always be mindful of your environment. Avoid isolated areas, especially at night, and keep your belongings secure.
  4. Trust Your Instincts: If a situation or a person doesn't feel right, trust your gut feeling and remove yourself from that environment.
  5. Have a Backup Plan: Keep emergency contacts handy, along with digital and physical copies of important documents like your passport and travel insurance.

As you can see, solo travel doesn't have to mean solitude. With the right approach, it can be the perfect opportunity to meet amazing people and forge lasting friendships. The key is to plan with an open mind, embrace new experiences, and step out of your comfort zone. Remember, every person you meet has the potential to add a unique perspective to your journey. Stay safe, be open to the world around you, and most importantly, enjoy the adventure of discovering new friendships along the way. Happy travels!